Industria de Beneficiamento - Diversos
(27) 3756-7070 / (27) 99981-64
Rod. Es 080 - Km 02 - Pólo Indústrial, Pólo Industrial, Barra de São Francisco/ES, 29800-000
Uma empresa familiar, há 20 anos no
mercado, gerida hoje pelos herdeiros, porém se pautando ainda pelos mesmos
valores éticos e morais preconizados pelo seu fundador.
Valores estes que estão sedimentados na cultura da empresa,através da seriedade no trato dos negócios para com clientes, fornecedores e parceiros, e principalmente o reconhecimento e a valorização dos nossos recursos humanos como sendo o nosso maior patrimônio.
Para tanto possuímos mais de 1.300,00
hectares de requerimentos, grande parte deles em nossas próprias terras ou em
terras vizinhas.
Como conseqüência, estamos também em fase
de expansão de nosso parque industrial, para dar vazão ao crescimento da nossa
produção e garantir a qualidade final do produto beneficiado.
Desta forma, temos o controle total de toda
cadeia produtiva dos nossos materiais,desde a extração, passando pelo
beneficiamento até a comercialização, o que nos permite sustentar e assumir
compromissos cada vez mais ambiciosos.
About Comil
A family business for 20 years in the market, managed today by his heirs, but is still guided by the same ethical and moral values??advocated by its founder.
These values??are sedimented in the company's culture through seriousness in business dealings with customers, suppliers and partners, and especially the recognition and appreciation of our human resources as our greatest asset.
Even today we have employees who have been with us since our inception and we recognize as an extension of our family.
The objectives of Comil the medium and long term:
Grow sustainably, generating value, quality, respecting the environment, our employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders
We settled in domestic and international markets as a reference in providing unique granites, with full mastery of the entire production chain from extraction to marketing through the processing, which enables us to make long-term commitments, bringing more security to our customers and partners.
Enlarge our deposits and the product mix, mainly in own land
Enlarge our industrial park
Our main strategy sustainable growth, based on the exploration of new deposits with new materials and the gradual expansion of existing and preferably in our own land or within a radius close to our headquarters.
Therefore we have over 1,300.00 hectares of requirements, most of them in our own land or neighboring land.
As a result, we are also in the process of expanding our industrial park, to give vent to the growth of our production and ensure the quality of the final processed product.
In this way, we have full control of the entire production chain of our materials, from extraction, through processing to marketing, allowing us to sustain and take on more ambitious commitments.
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